Do you have an Instant Pot®? Have you even opened the box? Scared to use it? Confused about which one will work best for you? There are a million choices out there!

Let’s learn all about it with my Beginner 5-part video series

I’ll get you up and running in no time! You won't believe how much time and effort this one little pot can save you!

Are you scared to use the Instant Pot®?

I know it sounds silly but it’s true. So many people have them but never open the box. I have taught hundreds of people not to be scared and why?

Because this little appliance can help you so much with food prep. It's perfect for seniors and small households.

This class includes 5 Modules

With this 5-part series, I will guide you step-by-step to conquer your fears and transform your cooking routine. Say goodbye to the intimidation and hello to a world of cooking convenience! You can watch them at your own pace. Over 18 short videos included.

Module 1: Why is this a Great Pot

 Scared to open the box? Let's unbox it together! Learn about its benefits, features and we'll explore its parts and buttons together. We'll also  find out which Instant Pot® is best for you!

Module 2: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Equip yourself with essential tips and techniques to ensure a seamless Instant Pot® journey.

Module 3: Making your first recipes - The basics

 Watch as we prepare my favorite and easiest recipe- guiding you through your inaugural cooking experiences with the Instant Pot®. I'll also give you tips along the way.

Module 4: How to use the sauté feature and more!

Learn to unlock the full potential of your Instant Pot®, including the sauté function and other advanced features.

Module 5: More about What you Can Do with It, plus Troubleshooting 

Learn  some more basic recipes and a few of the top issues and what to do about them.


A resource of my favorite Instant Pot® Recipes!

Brianna R.

"Amy makes it easy..."

I love how hands-off the Instant Pot® is. I can dump everything in, press a few buttons, and walk away. As a parent of young children, regular cooking is a challenge, but Amy makes it easy with her delicious instant pot recipes!

Michele L.

"Now I use it several times a week..."

It took me quite a long while before I started using the Instant Pot®. Now I use it several times a week to prep food that I can freeze and we enjoy later. Best use for me both as a time saver and easy cleanup is Thursdays when I make a week’s worth of homemade dog food for our dog.

Angie W.

"Amy helped me to not be overwhelmed..."

Amy helped me to not be overwhelmed and learn when to do the quick release. I also learned how to make perfect steamed broccoli.

Margie B.

"Shout out to Amy Lawrence for all of her amazing recipes..."

Shout out to Amy Lawrence for all of her amazing recipes. I did the instant pot brined chicken for shredding and freezing. I forgot all about that recipe and it was perfection Amy!! Thank you.

Pat S.

"Amy's tips have helped..."

The Instant Pot has become my first choice for cooking. It seems scary at first but I found it really isn't difficult to learn and well worth taking the plunge! Amy's tips have helped make my Instant Pot experience even easier! I especially love the way meats turn out so moist and flavorful!